Monday 17 September 2012

MDDN 243, Project 3, Barriers and Collisions

For our game our character will be inside different rooms in a house. At the moment we are aiming on having 3 rooms with 3 different sizes which represent the different levels of the game.

We have decided that the level which we are working on is going to be our level 3, which is the largest level. Around the edges of the level we are having a barrier or according to Stencyl a 'Terrain'. These will make the character know where the ends of the map are so he cannot enter the terrain, but will instead be blocked by it.

We are also going to be using Terrains when we are going to add obstacles into the game like desks and chairs. The character will be able to move under then but will be stopped when they hit the legs of the objects.

Each of our characters have a different collision box which is dependent on the character. Here are some examples of the collision boxes for 3 of our characters.

Each character will differently interact with other objects

The Battery
will collide with
- The baby
- Power ups
- Walls
-  Obstacles on the map
- Other appliances

The Baby
will collide with
- The battery
- Walls
- Obstacles on the map
- Other appliances

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