Friday 7 September 2012

CCDN 231, Experiment 2

Experiment 2

'Apple Swan'

For my second experiment I got my Friend Jessica White to experiment this. For this one I decided to cut the apple into an object. In a previous post I posted my attempts at trying to carve a rose. Because that was to difficult I did some research into what else is classified as glamourous and I came across the idea of a swan. Carving a swan wasn't as hard as I thought that it would be. But i believe that it did show a glamourous feel to it. For this experiment I want to show that the form of an object can change the users mood.If it were still a plain apple they wouldn't feel anything but the changed form changes there mood of what they are doing.

When Jessica first saw it she said that she was confused by what it is. But when she looked closer she realized it was a sawn. She was confused at how it was made. When touching it she was quite nervous about touching it because she thought that it might all break, so she was very delicate when taking pieces off.  She stated that it as very elegant, pretty and attractive. Which is something that is related to glamour

This experiment I think was a success has she said many words which are linked with the word glamour.

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