Saturday 15 September 2012

MDDN 243, P3, sound and animations

James is our sound guy and he has made some real awesome sounds for our game. We have one track which is looping while the character is in the main screen. He has also made sounds for the power ups and the start and end game screen.
At the moment we just have the starting screen sound and the in game sound. They are both made to cross fade over 2 seconds once they go from level to level.

Alex has made this first lot of animations for our character. These might not be actually used in the final game but it will be similar. He has made the walking animations and the charging animations. Adding the walking animations was easy because we had the 8 way movement as the default movements. But the charging animation got quite difficult to sort out.

We have made it that enter is the button which you will press to charge up the character. Here is the first part of the code which I used to try and get it to work. 

What happened with this is that when enter was pressed it would change the animation but it wouldn't change it back. So I added this section of code to make it work.

So what this part of code means that when the button is pressed it will do the animation but when the button is released it will go back to the original animation.

Here is a video of what happens in the game

charging from Richard Hpa on Vimeo.

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