Sunday 11 March 2012

MDDN 241 Project 1 Concepts


For my 3D animation i have come up with 3 concepts which i am thinking of developing more using maya.

Concept 1

My first concept was inspired by designs done by Damien Hirst and Jason Deamer

These 2 were designed by Damien Hirst. What i got from these 2 objects wast that they both are completly solid objects. The Diamond Design on the skull to me shows that it is indestructible. Diamonds are something which i would like to try and use for my animation.
In the second object i really like the refractive and reflective properties of this object and that even though it is one object which i would assume is meant to be all the same colour, that because of the light and the surface around it that the colours have changed .

For my initial for i was looking at a design by Jason Deamer. The design which caught my attention was a design for the disney movie WALL-E.

 Even though i know that this object as made to be a robot I reminded me of a rain drop.

From the rain drop i managed to come up with my first concept
I want the inital form and material to be something organic but you cant really touch without destroying it and will eventually turn into something which would feel hard
(description of scene is on the image)

Concept 2

My ideas for my second concept again came from Jason Deamer. For this idea i wanted to try and make something look organic and alive

 These are two of Deamers incect designs.
I was thinking of doing something like this for my initail form for my second concept

I wanted to do something which is something that couldnt happen in the real world unlike my first concept
The material for this concept is to have to have it look alive. And will change into something which is a inanimate object and different from the starting form.

 Even though on the storyboard it says that it will start off as a worm i had ideas of differnt incects which i could use for my inital form which will behave in the exact same way as the worm in the story board
Concept 3 

Jason Deamer has been my main sourse for my precedents for this project.
Again i liked the work which he did on the movie WALL-E so i looked at more of his designs from that movie.

What i liked from this image is that you really know that this is a robot. For my final concept i like the idea of making something which would move and behave like a robot. 
I wanted to make the material solid and metalic and will turn into liquid which is will not only change in material but color aswell

Out of all 3 of these concepts i am most probably going to work on either concept 1 or 2 to use for my final animation.

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