Wednesday 14 March 2012

DSDN 144 Artist Models for Second Shoot

Artist Models for Second Shoot

When looking for artist models for my second shoot i came across a group of photographers called Lostlosangeles. This group of photographers go around taking photos of abandoned and lifeless places. Not just plaecs which have been destroyed but also places which are still perfectly standing.

These 2 photos are taken at a amusement park when it is closed. These 2 are perfectly fine to use unlike the 2 bellow. These 2 photos show that to show the idea of lifelessness that the photo doesnt have to be taken at night or have anything wrong with the construction.

These 2 on the other hand have been destroyed. They were destroyed by Hurricane Katrina in 2005. The photographer wanted to show that even though these places have been destroyed that there is still some form of beauty in these photos.The graffiti on the walls mean that it hasnt been forgotten but just not many people visit as much as before Hurricane Katrina.

I like these 4 images because it shows the different means of lifelessness. For my project i am thinking of shooting my photos at night which is when there are less people at the train station and i think that the lighting from the station will also help in my photos

I am thinking of also shooting in black and white

I found a image of the ferris wheel in the first photo but in black and white

I think that the black and white added to the photo is a good touch. Nothing has changed from the photo and the one in colour. I think it adds a bit more darker ton to the image and that could work quite well for my second shoot

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