Wednesday 31 October 2012

MDDN 243, Project 3, Baby problem

I have figured out what was wrong with the collisions with the baby why he disappeared. It was because he had to many frames in the animation which I wanted to play.

To get around this I have split up the animations into 2 sets. The sucking animation which plays right when the collision happens and a Spitting animation which happens when the space bar is pressed when the sucking animation is playing.

Another problem which I found is that the baby would be pushed when the collision happens. At first what I did was make it that the baby cannot be pushed. But then the baby would walk underneath the tables and chairs in the room. To get around that what I did was just make the mass of the baby 150kg. So since the batteries mass is only 1 Kg he doesn't have enough mass to be able to push the baby.

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