Monday 15 October 2012

CCDN 231, Assignment 3, Final experiment

I have finished making my processing file for what i am going to use for the final experiment.
I didn't manage to figure out how to restart the webcam once its one so I have to completely restart the program again once I have done it once, which is quite annoying when I want to experiment on more than one person right after each other.

When I upload the file into Open Processing (which is a website to share what people have made on processing) it doesn't read that I have a webcam because it is being played over the internet and not my laptop, I cant upload my experience so you can do it on here.

What I have done is recorded my screen of me doing my experience.
Me testing my CCDN 231, Assignment 3 from Richard Hpa on Vimeo.

So this is what it would look like for when I test my Experience with my tutor and class mates. The only difference will be that the background will be white and it will be projected onto the white wall of the ergo lab with my mirror hung up.

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