Monday 27 August 2012

MDDN 243, Project 3

First Group Meeting

We had our first group meeting on the 27th of August.
We came up with several more ideas for Alex's game and also what we are going to do between the end of the meeting and our next meeting which is the next thursday

We answered the question with Kah wants us to have my next class

What Is It?
Bird’s-Eye view energy saving game.
Why Do I Want To Play This?
Learn about energy sustainability in a fun way.
How Do I Play This?
Use the arrow keys to navigate the character, and the “space” bar for both charging and shooting.
How Do I Fail?
Run out of time, when all the appliances die.
You run out of energy.
Is It Fun?
Do I Want To Play It Again?
Yes, if I didn’t get a good score/good face and want to beat it.
Do I Want To Show It To Others?
Yes, want to teach energy sustainability in a fun way.
What Does The Game Look Like?
A Bird’s-Eye viewed game, where each level is a household room. Things like furniture will be obstacles.
Is The Mechanic And The Message Closely Tied? Does The Audience Get The Message?
Yes, the main aim of the game is to use as little energy as possible.
Is This A Complete Game That Can Grow?

Other things which we have talked about are things that might stop you from completing your job.
We did some research to find things which are bad for batteries and we couldn't really find anything which could really work in our game. But something which we did find and which is what we are contemplating using as a 'bad guy' is babies. There were a lot of articles about babies eating batteries so we thought that this could be an interesting idea, we think that if we do this the player will remember it as it would be something which other games wont have.

By the next meeting are all going to bring sketches of what the appliances in the levels could look like. And then we are going to pick out the best aspects of each one and combine them together 

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