Sunday 12 August 2012

MDDN 243, Progress

For my game I want several levels, at least 3. And for each level I want there to be a different objective in it which would have something to do with different ways of sustainability.

I have thought of a few different types of sustainabilty which I could incorperate into my game.

Car Pollution is a major aspect of sustainability so I was thinking of maybe a level where you have to decided to use a car or a bike. My suspicions would be that peoples first choice would be the car, but then as time goes on I want the screen to become foggy and you cant see where you going so ultimately it would take more time to do than it would if you took a bike.

Saving power
I know that a lot of people dont turn off lights when they leave a room, so I was thinking that to have several rooms which are all dark and you can only have one light on at a time or you start loosing energy. The more energy that you lose the longer it would take you to finish the objective

Litter is something which a lot of people do so I had the idea that you had to collect several pieces of litter and recycle the litter. And somewhere in the litter will be a key or something which you need to have to open the final door

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