Monday 13 August 2012

MDDN 243, Project 2

Coming up with ideas for this project has been quite hard. While thinking of ideas I thought of this game which i used to play back at school where you are locked in a castle and you have to go through several puzzles to get out of the house. I cant remember what the game is called but it has given me an idea of a game that I could do for this project

For one of my levels i have thought of the idea that you go through severel rooms to try and unlock something and you can only have one of the lights on at a time to save power. This is kind of showen in the image above but i dont really like this idea.

Another idea which i am thinking of doing is that you are in a car or bike and driving along the road and you have to dodge litter on the ground. But when you are in the car your vision starts to get fogged up and you cant see that well, unlike when you would be on the bike and it would be all clear

I kind of what to stay away from this idea though becuase I think that there might be other people who might have a similar idea to this

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