Thursday 3 May 2012

MDDN 241, Project 2A, Character Description

My Character for the second project is Larry the Letterbox. My idea for a letterbox came from Lebbeus Woods. One of his designs made me think of a locker, which was one of my other ideas, and then the letter box came from that idea.

If I were a letterbox I would imagine that all I would think about each day is getting mail. That his whole entire life and purpose in life is to just wait for mail. So that is what Larry does, he just stands around and waits for mail. So I started to think that if a mail box didn’t have any mail in it but all the ones around him does, then it would start to feel quite sad and depressed. But when he gets mail he would then feel amazing and overjoyed. I want Larry to be one of those letterboxes which have a flag on him so he and everyone else knows that he has mail. I decided to give him arms so that he can play with his flag and try to give himself mail just to cheer him up. He will only be able to move using his stand which is secured to the ground so he can’t just get up and move.

His personality all depends on whether he has mail or not. When he has mail he will be really happy and feel like he has filled his purpose in life. But when he doesn’t have mail he will be all grumpy and quite depressed. His Flaws are that he is very quick to change his emotions, and gets very angry easily
Larry will fit into it just like a normal letter box would. Because he is a letter box his environment is outside a house. I want my house to be in a somewhat American Suburban street so that every house, tree, letterboxes are all the same and in the exact same pattern.

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