Sunday 29 April 2012

CCDN271 Assignment 2 Hand In

CCDN 271, Assignment 2

Abstract and Argument

The Purpose of my research paper is to find out what makes people get attached to the everyday objects that they use in day to day life. Everyone has at least one basic object, which they use everyday and choose that object over other objects, which are designed for the exact same purpose. With this project, I will research why people are attached to these everyday objects and what makes them return to the same object over others.
Despite the huge variety of everyday objects, many more continue to be made with improvements, yet the same plain and simple versions of those objects are still the most popular. For example the plain bic pen is still one of the most purchased pens in stores. I will be finding out why people continue to use these objects, whether it is to do with its usefulness or the design of the object, or even if it just looks pretty. I believe that the results of my research paper will provide more insight into how these things could be improved but still be made appealing for the user. I will argue that in finding out what people like about these objects, it will help benefit the production of these products in the future.
I will be starting with Donald A. Norman’s (2004) book ‘Emotional Design: Why We Love (or Hate) Everyday Things’, and also draw on my own experience with everyday objects I like to use. I will also be conducting interviews with a variety of people to find out about everyday objects they use and why they like to use them. I am hoping to find out if there is a pattern, and what it is about the everyday objects that makes them so appealing and keeps people coming back to using the same objects.

Norman, Donald A, Emotional Design: Why We Love (Or Hate) Everyday Things. New York: Basic Books, 2004


Wednesday 18 April 2012

DSDN 144, Project 2, Weekly assignments

For this weeks assignment I took two photos of the spare bedroom in my house, before and after we have put stuff in it while we are renovating our kitchen.

I am still trying to use fast and slow shutter speeds for when there is a lot and little light to try and get a good photo so that is what I was trying to show in these photos, the before one was taken with a fast shutter speed while the after was a slow.

I think I achieved 2 good photos from using the fast and slow shutter speeds and I think I am getting used to using it seeming this is the Year which i have used manual control on my camera.

I think it is interesting because it is a really helpful tool to use when you want to do day and night photography which is what i might be doing with this project

Monday 16 April 2012

DSDN 144, Project 2 Photo shoots 2,3,4

Here are my photos from my second, third and fourth photo shoots. They are all taken at the same place, Titahi Bay Beach, and are each one day after one another and all within the same hour of each other. I decided that taking photos in Melbourne might not be a good idea because I am only going to a beach once and i don't want to risk it not being how i want it. So i decided im still going to keep the same type of idea with the Time of year, but i might change it to Time of day depending on which of the photos i like.

Shoot 2

Open publication - Free publishing - More design

                                                      Shoot 3

Open publication - Free publishing - More design

                                                Shoot 4

Thursday 12 April 2012

DSDN 144, Project 2, Subject Change

I have slightly changed my idea because taking photos in melbourne didn't work out as well as I had hoped.
So here is my new proposal for project 2

For this project I started thinking a bit more abstractly about the idea of 'Time'. I still kept the idea of something which changes over time but I didn't want to do something like ice melting over time. So I came up with the idea of the time of day. I thought that quite a few places around the world have quite a good weather and is the same for quite a few days in a row. But wellington has quite unpredictable weather and is barely ever the same two days in a row. So I am planning on shooting at the local beach and what I want to do is shoot at least 2 times on consecutive days and shoot at the same time of day each time. I want to try and take my photos at the exact same place so you can see the comparison in the photos. I want to mainly show the difference of people at the beach/ what are they doing. I am hoping that in the sunny days they will be playing around in the water, and in the cloudy day I’m hoping that there wont be many people at the beach at all. The main aim of my project is to show the difference in the beach over two consecutive days where the photos were taken at the same time of day

Wednesday 4 April 2012

MDDN 241 Project 1 Finals

I have finished all that i need to do for this project and i really like how it has all turned out.
I found the sounds for my video on and i think that all up it turned out really well for my first 3D animation project

I decided on the background music because i wanted to viewer to sort of think that this scene was taken in space. 

Here is my poster for this project

I chose those 3 images because i believe that these 3 show the important stages of my animation

DSDN 144, project 2, First Shoot

Here is my First Shoot for DSDN 144 Project 2. 

I have changed my proposal and have decided on a new place/places to shoot my photos.
Because i am going to australia in the mid trimester holidays i was thinking about doing some photo shoots there. While in australia the forecast is looking to be very good with 25 degrees and sun most days, while back in New Zealand it is going to be cold and cloudy with some rain.
So for my new idea is to show time as in the Time of year. That even though we are in the same month and all my shoots will be taken within a few days of each other that there is a difference in how many people there are on the beached of Wellington New Zealand and Melbourne Australia.
For this I am hoping that the weather is hot enough in Melbourne for people to go to the beach, otherwise there might not be a difference.

So here is my first shoot which was taken at Titahi Bay Beach in Porirua

Tuesday 3 April 2012

DSDN 144 Project 2 Proposal


For project 2 I am thinking of slightly expanding my ideas from project 1. I am thinking of shooting again at a train station but this time to show the change in the amount of people who are at the station over time. I would chose several different train stations and go there at two different times of the day. Most probably morning and afternoon. I want to take the photos in as close to the same spot as I can or at least show the same area in both photos. The times that I am planning on choosing are just before people go to work, so around 7-8am and when they finish between 5-6pm.

I have a second idea which is close to the first idea in which I want to take 2 photos at 2 different times of day but use major roads. I was thinking the same times as the first idea and again to try and shoot at the exact same spot. I know that there will be a change in how many cars are on the road at these two times and I want to show how much of a change it is with my photography.

If i go with the road idea then I will probably use a fast shutter speed because at the moment i am thinking that there will be more traffic on one side of the road and little on the other so i am hoping that the light of the cars on the side which there isn't many cars will be stretched out while the other side where cars will be going quite slowly will show all the cars.

DSDN 144, Project 2, Precedents

I cant Find many Artist Models who take photos of the difference in time over different countries in the same season. So i decided to look at photographers who take seasonal photos as well as beach photographers because that is where I am going to be shooting.

Paul Bica

Paul Bica does quite a bit of photography which shows the idea of many seasons in one day. A lot of this photos are quite strong and try to show a clear idea.

In these two photos you can really see the change in seasons from a summer look to a more winter look with the large storm clouds appearing overhead.  This sort of thing happens in wellington a lot with its undependable weather. Getting some photos like this could be quite interesting.

Chloe Sutcliffe

 Becuase we are in the summer/autumn period I wanted to look at some photos which were taken in summer/autumn. I found some really nice beach photos by Chloe Sutcliffe.

I think these photos show the nice natural colours of the beaches they were taken at. Photos like this may be possible becuase whenever wellington does have a good day there is always afew clouds in the sky and in these photos the clouds are a nice Feature. 


When looking for photos taken at a beach there where these photos taken by Szeke which really caught my eye

These especially caught my eye becuase these photos have some amazing colour and use of light. If I were to shoot my photos later at night, somewhere around sunset or the golden hour. I think I could get some really nice photos. I really like the light reflections of the wharf off the water.

Monday 2 April 2012

DSDN 144, Project 2, Precedents

Time Lapse's

While looking for inspiration for this project i found this video done my Eirik Solheim where he made a time lapse of a forest over an entire year. In the video is easily shows the four different seasons and the blatant change over time.

Another nice time lapse which i found was from Brian Eno who also did a seasonal time lapse.
This one also shows quite a nice change in seasons which is something which i might try and do but over the course of one day to show the change in a day

For another video i wanted to look at was about the change in a day. I found a video from a guy only known as 'Scott From Canada'. He shows Toronto going from a good day to a bad day. This is some more along the lines of what i could do because of the time span which i have to do this in.

One idea which I am thinking of doing is show the idea that Wellington has 4 seasons in 1 day, so something which i could do is set my camera out and for it to take many photos over one day and then put it together in a stop motion video. This may be hard to do because that it is so hard to predict what the weather might be like in wellington. But it could be worth a try just to see what happens

Sunday 1 April 2012

MDDN 241 project 1, Progress

I have finished all my scenes for my Project 1 and have finished the rendering with took about 14 hours on my laptop to finish. After viewing all the frames together i think that it looks really good and im quite proud of how it has come out.

For my Final video though i have to use the renders of JPEGs which i got because when i was render in Tga something went wrong and it skipped quite a few frames. But the quality of the movie when its in JPEGs are still fine

DSDN 144, project 2, Brainstorm

Here are some ideas which I have for this project. The one marked in Red and Orange are the ones which I am thinking of expanding on.